Java Backend Developer

Hi, I'm Bajpai

About Me

Aspiring Java Backend developer, a lifelong learner, skilled in Front-end and Back-end development. Knowledge of Java, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. High adaptability to learn new technologies quickly. Interested in obtaining Knowledge and building world-class websites while focusing on organizational goals.

My Skills

Github chart


Joke Generator

Generate joke using user input keyword and humour level

Tech-Stack : HTML | CSS | JavaScript | OpenAI | Java


Spark is a electricity bill payment system with admin and user side ,bill generated from backend.

Tech-Stack : Java | mySQL | JDBC

Covid Warriors

Covid-19 Vaccination Registration a backend application Using REST Api with little frondend and spirng security

Tech-Stack : Java | mySQL | Hibernate | Spring Boot


Online cab booking service a backend application made using restAPI and spring security where a user can search and book available cabs

Tech-Stack : Java | mySQL | Hibernate | Spring Boot


Revv is a self drive car rental service that provides you with all the privacy, fun and convenience of your own car, without the hassles of owning and maintaining one.

Tech-Stack : HTML | CSS | JavaScript


Disney+ Hotstar is a subscription video on-demand over-the-top streaming service India and operated by Disney Entertainment, television and sport content for India.

Tech-Stack : HTML | CSS | JavaScript


Urban Company is an all-in-one platform that helps users hire premium service professionals.Served over 5 million customers across major metropolitan cities of India,Sydney and Singapore.

Tech-Stack : HTML | CSS | JavaScript


YouTube is an American online video sharing and social media platform to search and stream content.

Tech-Stack : HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Inventory service

Online Inventory to store porducts with images and amount in the store.

Tech-Stack : HTML | CSS | JavaScript